It's Nice To Meet You
Hello to you all and thank you for taking the time to read my blog.
I'm new to blogging but think it's a great idea to let you inside my mind on topics I hold close to my heart, as well as information provided for you on self care tips and tricks.
I do regular posts on TikTok - I will post these on here for your information. This first one is my intro :)
Namaste and thank-you for checking out my site
My Vision
I want to take a moment to share my desire and vision for therapy with you all.
My vision has changed through the years since I started to learn psychology and counselling. As i have evolved as a Therapist influenced by personal Therapy
going through my own process to helping others with theirs.
My earlier wishes were to help others to manage and live with their experiences and trauma with ease, which is still a massive part of the work I do, helping others to have a better day to day without their past limiting their now. However, the more time I spent in the room with my client's the more obvious it became to me that therapy is not only about working through difficulties or traumatic experiences but it is also a journey working towards becoming our higher self!
The stereo typical stigma of therapy is that if you are mentally unwell you cannot get better without professional help.
This is still very much present in today's society (some cultures maybe more than others) but there is a shift in the attitudes towards it, which is moving slowly but surely in a more acceptable direction. This leans towards wanting to have therapy to better one selves with or without a mental ailment.
I want to create an awareness that therapy isn't just about working through struggles. One might think 'i haven't had a bad childhood so I don't need therapy' but, other things happen that makes life tough, which might seem 'normal' or inexplicable such as; rowing with people, having little patience, not liking something/someone for 'no' reason and getting easily angered to name a few. Therapy can help you work through these things. We can search ourselves on the things that cause unease within us or how we relate to others in order to find inner peace and become our highest self.
Going to therapy doesn't mean you have to have something wrong with you, but rather the vision of wanting to be your best self in order to live your best life!
Christmas time
Christmas is a jolly time of year. Streets and shops are decorated, families and loved ones celebrate and everywhere has that sense of Christmas cheer. But for many of us, Christmas can be a huge trigger. As it is the the traditional time of year to see family and friends, to give yourself time off and self care it can highlight things that are lacking to those who don’t have these things.
Loss is even more evident at Christmas due to this. Whether that is loss of loved ones, loss of housing, loss of a job etc the loneliness that can be felt at this time of year can be overwhelming.
This had never been so obvious to me until I lost my mum over 5 years ago now. Christmas like for a lot of people was hugely celebrated in my home, and my mum was the biggest of Kids going above and beyond each and every year despite her financial difficulties (like a lot of homes). The whole process of Christmas was big deal, from getting the decorations out and putting them up as a homely tradition to taking them down again. Not a moment was lost with her and she made every one feel special. So for me, not having her there (in my mind she was Christmas (not only Santa lol) Christmas felt empty, without magic and the hole she left behind was too much to look at.
I tried to avoid Christmas for this reason for many years, it was easier to deny the festivities than to sit with the void, loneliness and grief. I know so many others have this or similar experiences each year and I think its important for us to all remember this, this time may not only be unhappy and un-joyful but also be damn right depressing and unbearable.
Its taken me personally five Christmas’s to even start to feel that spark again, to want to partake in gift giving, putting up decorations and having a shared family meal (and want to enjoy it). There was a Huge part of me that felt like I was betraying her by enjoying myself, but as I slowly come out of my grief I realise she wouldn’t want that for me, I am here now but I know so many others are still in their grief.
Please spend a moment to think and give your healing energy to those suffering for what ever reason this Christmas time.