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Are You Burnt Out?

In todays society we are moving at a fast pace. Things needing to be done yesterday, commitments that cant be rearranged, work and family life imbalances. When, in this busy life, do we give ourselves time to tune out.

inability to switch off or say no
Feeling Burnout and Stressed

You might find that you're 'To do' lists are never complete, or if they are, it's the end of the day before you get a chance to have some time off. Living in this way without having much down time (not talking about sleep here) can be risky. Like when the phone starts to play up we turn it off to allow it to work better, we run the exact same way. If we try to keep up with our busy lives all the time without stopping for a moment or two we can end up burnt out.

We usually get to this place without even knowing we are there and it can look very different for everyone. You might be having a lot to do at work, and maybe family commitments are such that you feel you cannot say no. You might have a busy social life, kids that require all of your time and attention, worries or anxieties that are distracting you. Stress in your life that keeps you from focusing to give some examples.

Burnout can manifest in different ways, you might experience overwhelming feelings, anxiety, procrastination and/or anger. The symptoms are not limited only to mental and emotional health but physical, when our minds and bodies are out of sync it may affect your health, I get eczema when I'm stressed, which is usually a tell tale sign for my body. Meaning I have been ignoring the earlier signs of burnout. Other physical symptoms might be headaches, IBS, skin conditions, colds, fatigue etc. 🤒😴

Whilst juggling life is a skill and we try and balance all of the moving plates around, how often do we put ourselves into the equation? What do you do for self care? Ensuring that we have time to ourselves as often as possible, daily hopefully even if its for a few minutes can help us to manage better. Taking yourself out of the place that reminds you of your chores is advised. Going outside getting some Vitamin D, doing some exercise (I love doing Yin Yoga for this), meditation or mindfulness practice, reading a book, having a bath, calling a friend etc.

I hope this has given you something to be mindful of in your own life, being able to identify when we are in this state is very important and once done, implementing something each day to give you mental and physical space will do wonders for yourself!

If you would like to know more about how to implement time and strategies for your own self care then please drop a comment below 👇👇👇👇 😃

me giving me some me time
Self Care


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